Living Worry-Free: Part 5 – Finding Christ

Most people have no idea what it means to be righteous. First, righteous means to be right. Most people understand on some level that it is a good thing to get life right, to live right, to do what is right, to have the right values and to have the right pursuits in life. Most people want to have right relationships with their spouse, children, friends and workmates. But it’s amazing how few people think of their relationship with God and few wonder if in fact they have a right relationship with God. And yet there is nothing more important in this life. Failing to have a right relationship with God means eternal separation from our Creator and God; it means eternal damnation. This is the most important thing in your life. Sadly, no one can achieve this right relationship with God. No one. No one, except Jesus Christ. God sent Christ to be our righteousness. All who put their faith in Christ receive His righteousness. And all who seek Christ above all else, learn to walk in the righteousness that not only pleases God, but it also brings us great joy and peace. That’s right, our joy and peace flourishes in us as we grow in righteousness. Why would you pursue anything else?