Living Worry-Free: Part 6 – All Your Needs Provided

Our Lord Jesus understands that we need food, drink, clothing, shelter and a number of different things. He reminds us that the pagans while pursuing these things become anxious and worried and fearful. The question is, why are we Christians worrying about such things? Jesus wants us to understand that God knows what you need. In fact, God knows what you need even more than you do. So what do you need? Earlier in Matthew chapter six, Jesus teaches us to pray, “give us this day our daily bread.” Of course, Jesus is teaching us to that “all these things” that we need are the things that God has promised to provide for His children. Note that the Psalmist says, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that I need.” He doesn’t say, “I have all that I want.” And later in that same Psalm he says, He anoints my head and my cup overflows. God even provides a banquet for us in the presence of our enemies. God takes care of everything, but you cannot forget that this is the result of seeking first God’s kingdom and His righteousness.