Living Worry-Free: Part 7 – Divine Providence

Jesus promises us that when we are seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, God then provides for us all the things that we need. The author of the Proverbs says, “I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread. But here is where we get into trouble. While we are busy caring for ourselves and for our families, we can very easily, and very quickly, lose our focus on God. It is so easy to forget that life is not about getting stuff. Life is NOT about accumulating and collecting. Everything in this life will pass away. Moth and rust and robbers do their thing, stealing and devouring what we have. And besides, no one ever owns anything. We hold money and land and things for a short time and then we die. You never see a U-Haul trailer behind a hearse on the way to the cemetery. And so we are reminded by Christ our Lord and Savior to focus on our relationship with God, who reveals Himself to us as our Father who provides for us all that we need.