Thanksgiving & Generosity: Part 2 – Giving out of Gratitude

Christians often forget that God is faithful and has promised to meet all our needs as we seek to do His will. Jesus taught us not to worry, and instead taught, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto us.” But when we focus on ourselves, we develop a poverty mentality. When we focus on Christ we are reminded of Paul’s words, “My God shall supply all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Do you believe this? Focusing on yourself and on your needs is deadly. It turns you into a greedy, fearful and selfish person. When you focus on Christ you become grateful and confident in His provision which in turn produces generosity in you. The Bible Society did a study that found that 95% of Christians give and that they are twice as generous as the unbeliever. Christians are grateful to God for His faithfulness and give as a form of worship.