Focus on the Family: Week 1- Family Devotions (Terrin Ramsey speaking)

For centuries in many Christian families, Family Altar or Family Devotions was the norm. Sadly, this is rare today. We’re all too busy doing things that seem important—temporal things that have no eternal value.

It’s been said that the family that prays together, stays together. There is truth in this maxim. Staying together as a loving family is every parent’s prayer, hope, and desire, but sadly it doesn’t always work that way, even for families who pray together.

What makes the difference is how real your prayer is and how real is your devotion. Kids can smell fake a mile away! We need to pray but we also need to talk among ourselves about how our faith applies to everyday life. Share instances of how your Christian habits have saved you and even point out examples of how you suffered in your life because you didn’t obey God. Point out examples to your kids. After all,

that’s exactly what the stories of the Bible are all about.