Joy: Part 3 – The Fruit of the Righteous

Those who love the Lord and obey Him enjoy an unusual level of prosperity and flourishing. Why, because we are plugged into the streams of living water. Israel’s first King, Saul, was jealous of David. David was righteous and loved God’s law. 1 Samuel 18:14 says, “David was prospering in all his ways for the Lord was with him.” However, King Saul did not have a love for God or His Word. He was rebellious. 1 Samuel 18:15 says, “When Saul saw that David was prospering greatly, he dreaded him.” When you and I are focused on seeking God’s will and His Kingdom, we become a powerhouse for God. We become a blessing to all who know us. We cause our spouse and children, and our friends and family to be blessed. 3,500 years ago, God said to His people in Deuteronomy 30:15, “See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity.” There are two paths before us. One leads to destruction and the other leads to life. We must decide which path we shall take.