Living Worry-Free: Part 2 – Pursuing God’s Will

Every human is created in the image of God. This means that we are not like any other creature on earth. We were created to reflect our Creator, by doing His will. This means that we are creative, hardworking, and created for relationship with God and with one another. It means that we have a purpose for living. It means that every human is precious to God. When God created Adam and Eve, He blessed them with the Garden of Eden and He gave them instructions to multiply and to govern the creation. As creatures who bear God’s image, we were hardwired to be productive and to be responsible for ourselves and for one another. Originally, Adam and Eve were only seeking to serve God and seeking to do His will. We were created to be accountable to God. But when humanity fell into sin, everything became horribly twisted. The things that we were seeking before the fall were righteousness and the will of God, but sin turned us inward so that we became self-centred and self-focused. We became more concerned about ourselves and our wants and our dreams, and we became worried and anxious.