Living Worry-Free: Part 3 – Christian Priorities

It is not a sin to pursue a good career or to try to make a good living. We were created to be industrious and hardworking and to exercise personal agency. At the end of the day, this is what gives us satisfaction and contentment and even joy. What is more satisfying than accomplishing tasks, especially when those tasks have eternal significance? John Wesley once said that every Christian should seek to earn as much as he can, save as much as he can and then give as much as he can. But sin is an ugly thing. It twists and distorts everything. It is so easy to pursue all the wrong things. Its easy to forget that life is about relationships, beginning with our relationship with God. It’s a sad irony, that the father who wants to care for his children—as he should—can become so distracted by his work that he loses his family and his marriage! Likewise, even the one involved in ministry can be so wrapped up in his work that he forgets about his relationship with God. Our Lord Jesus reminds us to keep our priorities straight.