Living Worry-Free: Part 4 – True Riches

The average person when asked, what does it mean to be rich, will answer that it means having lots of money and luxurious possessions. The more sophisticated might add that being rich means that you have a good career and a good mind and good relationships. Still others will speak in terms of being lucky in life, lucky to live in a first-world country and to be healthy. They will say, “if you don’t have your health, you have nothing.” Some will speak of having a good education and good friends and some will even talk about being born with good genes…good DNA. But Jesus tells us that the greatest pursuit and the greatest possession of all is the Kingdom of God. Jesus even told parables on the subject. He tells of the man who sold everything to take hold of the Kingdom of God. There is nothing greater. And it’s shocking how many Christians go their whole life without understanding this. The Kingdom of God is a wealth of blessing now and in the life to come. Do you understand this? A simple inventory of how you spend your time and money will reveal to you if you have true riches or just empty hopes and promises, useless baubles and meaninglessness.