Our Family: Part 4 – Stewardship is Caring for the Family

When talking about personal finances, we all have had questions. How do we best deal with money and possessions? How do we look after our current needs? How do we plan for the future? How do we partner with God in growing His Kingdom?

Thankfully, God, in His Word, gives us ample direction and guidelines that teach us to manage the resources He has so graciously given to us. There are approximately 2,350 verses in the Bible that talk about money and material possessions. 16 out of 18 parables in the Gospels deal with these issues as well. Jesus had more to say about money than He did about heaven and hell combined!

How we manage what has been entrusted to us really matters to our Lord Jesus Christ. It is our belief that we are not owners of the resources God has so generously given to us. Instead, we are to be good managers, good stewards of what we have. God wants to use our resources to impact our world and His Kingdom… now, in the future, and for all of eternity. Regardless of your personal financial circumstances, it is never too late to embrace Biblical truths, learn about radical stewardship and bring honour to the Lord with your resources.