This Is My Story #2- The Ethiopian Eunuch

Two thousand years before Star Trek even thought of the idea of teleporting people, the Holy Spirit was already doing that. Philip had been led by the Holy Spirit to be in the right place at the right time to intercept the truth-hungry Ethiopian official who was on his way home from worship in Jerusalem. Philip didn’t know the details of the mission; he just knew that he had to be on the desert road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza. What a conversion story this is! It became obvious to Philip as he overheard the Ethiopian Eunuch reading Isaiah 53. He saw this as his opportunity. He asked the man if he understood what he was reading and the rest is history. Isaiah 53 is the Gospel of the Old Testament and once he understood it, he believed and was baptized. Philip was immediately transported to Azotus. Who says witnessing isn’t fun?!