This is My Story #3- Paul

Paul’s story is truly one of the most dramatic in Church history! One day he is murdering Christians and then the next day he is preaching so as to win people for Jesus! No wonder no one believed him at first. On his way to wreak havoc in Damascus among the Christians, Paul—or Saul, as he was called then—was blinded by a light from heaven. From the light Jesus asked Paul why he was persecuting Him. Long story short, Paul was temporarily blinded until someone prayed for him, and he put his faith in Jesus and then immediately became a preacher for Jesus. This was a conversion that shook the Jewish world. The great and zealous Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, was now Paul the preacher with no known address. The world was his parish and his job was planting churches and writing books that would become part of our Bible today! Mind-blowing!