Wisdom: An Introduction – Part 4: Turn From Temptations

Solomon understands too well the temptations that every human experiences. And so he gives warning, “My child, if sinners entice you, turn your back on them! 11 They may say, “Come and join us. Let’s hide and kill someone! Just for fun, let’s ambush the innocent! Let’s swallow them alive, like the grave, let’s swallow them whole, like those who go down to the pit of death. Think of the great things we’ll get! We’ll fill our houses with all the stuff we take.14 Come, throw in your lot with us; we’ll all share the loot.” -Proverbs 1:10-14 There so many ways that we kill people. Jesus said that hating people is like murdering them. Then there is gossip and character assassinations that happen in and out of the Church—a disgrace to be sure! We think that we can somehow gain something from destroying others. How shocking and how sad that there are people who call themselves Christians who act like this. Thankfully, wisdom protects us from such evil.